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A Pile of Rags: A Short Story by Charlay Marie

Jasmine walked in to a brick coffee shop and stood in a line of at least ten people. There were two teenagers working the register and everything seemed to be going at a slow pace. It was easily a fifteen minute wait. Jasmine knew she wasn't going to be able to make it to work on time if she continued to stand in line. She had to make a choice: her new job or her latte. The choice was obvious. Jasmine needed her job at the bank.

She got out of line and readjusted her scarf to brave the cold New York morning. Just outside of the restaurant's door, Jasmine noticed a homeless man who she had mistaken for a pile of rags as she'd entered. It was mid-winter; Jasmine could understand the lengths one would go through to keep warm, even if it meant covering up in rags of clothing. The man lifted the piece of cloth covering his face and looked at Jasmine.

"Please help a poor man," he began. "Could you spare some change?"

Jasmine was used to the common 'beggar', having grown up in the streets, and wasn't going to pay the man any mind. She continued walking by.

"What if I told you I was an angel and that if you didn't help me, you'd miss a blessing?"

Jasmine stopped and turned toward the man. He was dirty, hairy, and he smelled...even at a distance. Jasmine thought that there was no way he could've been an angel, and yet he intrigued her. She doubted she'd miss any blessings but handed him the six dollars she was going to use for her latte and then continued on her way.

"Miss!" the homeless man called. Jasmine's job flashed through her mind as she stopped for the second time. She put an unconvincing smile on her face and turned toward the stranger. "Help me find the nearest subway to Queens. I know someone out there who can help me."

The nearest subway to Queens was six blocks away, meaning Jasmine would be late to work if she helped the man get to that station. She had another decision to make: get to work on time or help the man find shelter. If Jasmine lost her job, she'd end up like the homeless man; however, her mother raised her to be a better person. She decided to help the man.

By the time that they made it to the corner of the subway station, Jasmine was over ten minutes late for work. There goes her job. She laughed at her bad fortune, turning toward the homeless man, who rested against a brick wall as if tired.

"So, what happened to that blessing?" As soon as Jasmine asked that question, her phone buzzed inside of her pocket. She quickly answered, fearing it was her boss. "Hello?"

"Jasmine?" Jasmine instantly recognized her friend's voice. "Thank God you're not dead! Did you hear? Your bank was robbed five minutes ago. They killed every single employee. I thought you worked today!" Jasmine dropped her phone in shock and looked up at the homeless man, but he was gone.

The only thing there was a pile of rags.

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